In the midst of the COVID 19 crises, Estonia’s Tallink | Silja Line asked us to refresh their cruise and fast ferries design systems based on the repositioning work completed by our friends at Hensley Partners. We created two clearly defined design frameworks for their cruise and fast ferry fast brand communications respectively.
Due to their historic biases and the cost of repainting ships, the two cruise names Tallink and Silja Line continue to be used while we worked on aligning their design systems for all communications. We then created identity guidelines to cover everything from outdoor advertising to onboard screens and menus. We performed a similar task for the fast ferry business Tallink Shuttle and finally created a set of retail guidelines to cover the entire business.
Simplifying and aligning the communications for both brands has avoided unnecessary costs, and the clearly defined Tallink Shuttle brand has helped the business emerge from the shadow of the pandemic.

Fast Ferries:

Cruises and Fast Ferries Guidelines:

Retail Guidelines: